The Convention on International Transport of Goods

Reading Time: 4 minutes


The Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention, 1975) is one of the most effective international transport conventions and to date, is the only universal Customs transit system in existence. To date, it has 77 Contracting Parties, including the European Union. It covers the whole of Europe and reaches out to North Africa and the Near and Middle East. The TIR transit system is founded on the following five principles:

  • the TIR carnet,
  • the mutual recognition of customs controls,
  • the international guarantee chain,
  • the use of secure vehicles or containers,
  • controlled access to use the system.


TIR Carnet is a customs transit document used to demonstrate the presence of the international guarantee for duties and taxes for the goods transported under the TIR system, under conditions specified in the TIR Convention. Each TIR carnet has a exclusive reference number. A TIR carnet may have 4, 6, 14, or 20 vouchers, as one pair of vouchers is used per country. The number of vouchers shows the number of countries that can be transited, including the countries of departure and countries of destination.

Each TIR Carnet can be used for one transport. Once the transport has been completed at the Customs office of destination of the goods, the driver is handed back the TIR Carnet duly endorsed by the Customs authorities of destination. Customs authorities must instantly approve the conclusion of the TIR transport.


In order to commence the TIR procedure, transport companies must provide a bank guarantee from a bank of EUR 100,000 (maximum amount of guarantee per TIR carnet) and submit the following:

  • the bank guarantee;
  • the banks full contact details and the contact person at the bank;
  • an overview of the last available audited balance sheet.

The transport operator then receives a handbook for TIR carnet holders and 2 copies of the declaration of engagement. The operator must fill in the declaration of engagement, initial every page, sign and stamp the last page. Signatures must be authenticated by the communal administration. When the approval has been granted, the business will receive its TIR approval number by standard mail. As it was mentioned, each individual carnet can be used for only one TIR transport. If a single convoy is made up of several trucks, the transport operator must use a separate carnet for each truck. Before departing, the transport operator must fill in all pages in the carnet. It is recommended to use the company stamp, indicating the company name and address, the TIR approval number and the EORI number. The customs authorities of each transit country will ask for the TIR carnet and take out one voucher upon entry and one upon exit.

When the goods reach the destination, the transporter must present the TIR carnet to the customs authorities who will conclude the TIR transport. The transporter delivers the goods to the recipient and sends back the TIR carnet.

Merits of the TIR system:

  • A single guarantee system for all TIRs throughout the journey.
  • A single form for transport.
  • A single guarantee for the entire container.
  • No other representative is necessary in countries where the guarantee is valid.
  • Each TIR includes a single guarantee for EUR 60,000 to Customs Offices.
  • A single TIR customs form for the entire load.
  • Using the TIR system guarantees safe and secure transports, since it is the only system using duly authorized Greek transport operators.
  • A single TIR for all transported goods.

In Conclusion:

The TIR system, formed more than 60 years ago, have proven to be one of the most operative international Customs transit systems in the world. In addition, it has played a significant part in facilitating international trade and transport.

With the fast rise of intra-European traffic and with the arrival of many newly independent countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Nevertheless, the TIR Carnet allows road transport of goods in the procedure of transit between member countries of the TIR Convention. It facilitates the movement of goods by simplifying the customs procedures.


ISO Code Contracting Parties Countries with which a TIR transit
operation can be established.
Association Code National Associations
AFG Afghanistan Afghanistan 055 ACCI
ALB Albania Albania 044 ANALTIR
DZA Algeria
ARG Argentina
ARM Armenia Armenia 079 AIRCA
AUT Austria Austria 084 AISÖ
AZE Azerbaijan Azerbaijan 075 ABADA
BLR Belarus Belarus 034 BAMAP
BEL Belgium Belgium 014 FEBETRA
BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina 067 AIRH
BGR Bulgaria Bulgaria 046 AEBTRI
CAN Canada
CHL Chile
CHN China China 095 CRTA
HRV Croatia Croatia 100 HGK
CYP Cyprus Cyprus 035 TDA
CZE Czech Republic Czech Republic 047 CESMAD BOHEMIA
DNK Denmark Denmark 017 DTL
EGY Egypt
EST Estonia Estonia 031 ERAA
FIN Finland Finland 021 SKAL
FRA France France 019 AFTRI
GEO Georgia Georgia 054 GIRCA
DEU Germany Germany 016; 048 BGL; AIST
GRC Greece Greece 037 OFAE
HUN Hungary Hungary 049 MKFE
IND India India 096 FICCI
IDN Indonesia
IRN Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iran (Islamic Republic of) 057 ICCIM
IRL Ireland Ireland 024 IRHA
ISR Israel Israel 056 IRTB
ITA Italy Italy 038 UICCIAA
JOR Jordan Jordan 086 RACJ
KAZ Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 081 KAZATO
KWT Kuwait Kuwait 061 KATC
KGZ Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan 092 AIRTO-KR
LVA Latvia Latvia 033 LATVIJAS AUTO
LBN Lebanon Lebanon 082 CCIAB
LBR Liberia
LTU Lithuania Lithuania 032 LINAVA
LUX Luxembourg Luxembourg 014 FEBETRA
MLT Malta Malta 090 ATTO
MDA Moldova Moldova 060 AITA
MNG Mongolia Mongolia 087 NARTAM
MNE Montenegro Montenegro 068 PKCG
MAR Morocco Morocco 085 AMTRI
NLD Netherlands Netherlands 026 TLN
NOR Norway Norway 025 NLF
OMN Oman Oman 099 SINYAR
MKD North Macedonia North Macedonia 065 AMERIT
PAK Pakistan Pakistan 094 PNC-ICC
PSE The State of Palestine
POL Poland Poland 051 ZMPD
PRT Portugal Portugal 041 ANTRAM
QAT Qatar
KOR Republic of Korea
ROU Romania Romania 050 UNTRR
RUS Russian Federation Russian Federation 053 ASMAP
SAU Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 098 SATA
SRB Serbia Serbia 089 SCC-ATT
SVK Slovakia Slovakia 040 CESMAD SLOVAKIA
SVN Slovenia Slovenia 043 GIZ INTERTRANSPORT
ESP Spain Spain 036 ASTIC
SWE Sweden Sweden 029 SA
CHE Switzerland Switzerland 015 ASTAG
SYR Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic 083 SNC ICC
TJK Tajikistan Tajikistan 078 ABBAT
TUN Tunisia Tunisia 063 CCIT
TUR Turkey Turkey 042 TOBB
TKM Turkmenistan Turkmenistan 076 THADA
UKR Ukraine Ukraine 066 AsMAP UA
ARE United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates 069 ATCUAE
GBR United Kingdom United Kingdom 022; 023 RHA; FTA
USA United States of America
URY Uruguay
UZB Uzbekistan Uzbekistan 074 AIRCUZ
European Union

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